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How are you?

Why is it "I'm fine :)" escapes my lips regardless of the situation I'm in, the person who's asking and the context he/she is referring to? Why is it that this question makes me want to sit and ponder, even when superficially I feel quite alright? Why is it that I rush to my best friends, wanting to think aloud and talk it through, but at the same time afraid that they'll think it's another one of my crazy, sad days? Why is it that half the thoughts in my mind are left unsaid only because of the fear that the person will feel overburdened by my seemingly insignificant problems? Why is it that this fear is much greater when the said person is a dear, dear friend, whose opinion matters more to me than that of an acquaintances'? Why is it that these 3 words send me in a spiral maze of emotions I can not make any sense of?
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When did we become so busy that our conversations changed from "oh you know what happened today?" to "it's a long story, I'll tell you sometime later." When did we become so different that we started feeling there was no point of sharing those little, minute details of our daily lives with each other? When did we grow so apart that we came to know even the major things in each other's lives either from someone else or much after they'd occurred? When did we become so insecure that we stopped telling each other their flaws? When did we fall out of love, and didn't even realize it?

Quirky Queery

Going through this blog, I realised it is terribly serious! So here, my friends, is another poem from the archives!  This is an acrostic poem. The first letters of the lines of the poem first spell the 12 months of the year and then the 7 days of the weeks in their short form! I had great fun writing this one. J ulian was his name A nd he was a smart kid too N othing was there that he couldn’t do F lowers were his favorite E nthusiastic he remained always; about planting new ones B ut, as he was a gentle boy, he was very afraid of violence and guns M other of his was a sweet lady A nd his father was a hardworking man R osy was his sister and they had a nice house and a nicer van A ll the people he knew were his great friends, P oor or rich he played with everyone and R arely did they not have fun M ark was his best friend A nd he was a fun (and handy) guy to be around Y es indeed, there was nothing that he couldn’t mend! J ulian was...


I recently came across a poem I’d written way back in 2012. At that time, it was based purely on imagination- as I imagined what it would feel like when a bond broke. Today, I know that feeling. Here is the poem, raw as it was written in 2012. It is not very refined, but it is what it is and I am what I am. As I stand in the rain, The water washes away my pain And I smile remembering the good old days. As I stand in the rain, The water sweeps in the drain And I sigh remembering the nearly caught train. As I stand in the rain, I watch a passing dame And I laugh remembering the jokes which were so lame The rain stops, And the world moves on. But I keep standing there, Remembering the life we used to share. The world shouts at me, Tell me it’s high time I forgot. But I know I just can't As I stare at the ring you bought. It has a forget-me-not on it, And as I watch, it begins to lit. You told me to keep it always with me, As we s...

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Ever since I first entered the Harry Potter world, I was taken by the sheer charm of it. I loved every minute of the journey. While I was terribly sad when it ended, I wasn’t dissatisfied. The characters were incredibly developed. We saw them growing up, even if we did not actually grow up with them (people like me who read the series in a matter of weeks). We knew their flaws, we knew their greatness. And we’d seen them acquire these. I can’t stress this enough- we knew all the characters so deeply that we could have stated what they’ll do/say in a situation exactly. There was no rush. The story spanned 7 years and Rowling took it forward at a brilliant pace. Everything was told as it was, clearly with details. As the storyline developed, the characters grew and developed and we came to identify with them. There were no “how is this possible?” or “that is too farfetched” or “where did that come from?” moments in the story. Every concept was superbly explained and executed. ...

when everything is right, but doesn't fit

Looking back at the last blog post, I was terribly depressed. As I had expected, I didn't get into any medical college and instead found a tolerable Bsc Hons course which I joined. I wasn't terribly happy back then, and certainly not satisfied with my life. July 2015 I entered college as a mess. I certainly might have seemed calm and confident outside, but inside, I was a self doubting, under-confident mess. It didn't help that though my course was one of the best, the college wasn't very much so. An off campus college, very far away from home- nobody I knew had even heard of Acharya Narendra Dev College. For a long time I couldn't even find people I really, really liked over there; which was very upsetting since I was losing touch with my school friends. Then ECPDT happened. It was a "personality development through theatre" course I joined just for the sake of doing something other than academics in college. I didn't know then that I would meet...

I just wanted to say, "It's a beautiful day to save lives" and smile to the world every once in a while.

Today, while I sit and write this, I feel completely changed. I am not the person I was a few months ago. Now I've seen failure. Now I know what it is like in the real world, in the world outside my school. Now I have an uncertain future. No, I've not had the dream of becoming a doctor since forever. On the contrary, the people who've known me since childhood will tell you how I've always hated this profession. To be honest, I still do. I hate going to a doctor. I have a bias against them. A bias which has formed over the years, hearing various stories of drudgery and cheating. Today I honestly can't remember why I decided to become a doctor. Maybe it was because my nearly perfect world was shaken when a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer and my Nanaji died due to multiple diseases. Maybe it was because I wanted to prove to the world, to myself, that I can do it. That I can study the toughest course and emerge victorious. Maybe it was because I wanted to ...