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Showing posts from May, 2015

I just wanted to say, "It's a beautiful day to save lives" and smile to the world every once in a while.

Today, while I sit and write this, I feel completely changed. I am not the person I was a few months ago. Now I've seen failure. Now I know what it is like in the real world, in the world outside my school. Now I have an uncertain future. No, I've not had the dream of becoming a doctor since forever. On the contrary, the people who've known me since childhood will tell you how I've always hated this profession. To be honest, I still do. I hate going to a doctor. I have a bias against them. A bias which has formed over the years, hearing various stories of drudgery and cheating. Today I honestly can't remember why I decided to become a doctor. Maybe it was because my nearly perfect world was shaken when a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer and my Nanaji died due to multiple diseases. Maybe it was because I wanted to prove to the world, to myself, that I can do it. That I can study the toughest course and emerge victorious. Maybe it was because I wanted to ...

Then & Now

I sit atop the hilltop Bathing in the dim moonlight, and see The once-vast stretches of forests, now chopped down, By man, to sustain the crowded country I walk around the streets Alone amidst the crowd, and see The once-lively faces of people, now distorted, By their busy lives, to broody I stroll around in the park Taking in the ignored greenery, and see The once-playful and naughty kids, now at home, Captured by technology, engrossed in their PSP I stand on the terrace of a skyscraper Breathing in the polluted air, and see The once-united society, now divided into two, Some dying of hunger, and some drowning in money I hasten down the shady street Hiding myself in the open, and see The once-safe late night strolls, now rushed, Due to spread of criminal minds, lacking humanity I lie down on my comfortable bed Looking at the world through the window, and see How it keeps moving on, be it day or night, Ever changing, both it and...