More than often we try to judge people. Hell. We dont try. We judge. We form opinions. We think we know exactly what the person is all about. Oh so he didnt behave well wid me? I bet he's mean. Oh so he said he knew that answer when no one did? I bet he's a show off. Look, she has so many guy friends! A slut for sure. But do we stop to think? Do we wonder that maybe, just maybe, we are perceiving the person wrong? Maybe he's not all that bad. Nope. We dont. We just judge people in our mind. Chalo, no one has the right to tell us what to think and what to not. It becomes worse when we start spreading our opinion. Regardless of whether we are right or not, i dont think its right to say things about anyone in front of others.
Then there's another thing i wonder. Have u ever tried to confront the person about his shortcomings? Maybe you are observing him wrong. Or maybe you are right. If u r right then dont u think its your responsibility to correct him rather than saying nonsense about him behind his back? I have this close friend who has a bad habit. Given the choice between forming an opinion about him and correcting him, i chose the latter. Coz i know him well. I know that however it might appear on the outside, he's doing it unintentionally. And so i tried to make him realise his mistake. And i succeeded. yipee!
But that's not my point. The point is that i know for sure a totally opposite point of view. Same friend. Same habit. But difference of reaction. There are others who are too busy forming opinions about him. His so called "friends". They are so wrapped within their belief of knowing everything that they dont stop to sit and ponder. To rethink their opinion.
Its not bad to form opinions. That's basic human nature. But its wrong to stick to them forever. Once in a while u need to accept that maybe its u who are wrong and not the person u r criticising. Do form opinions. But brain wash yourself every once in a while. Rethink and reevaluate. Then form new opinions. Maybe this time you will see differently. Maybe this time you will see an aspect you missed last time. But what u should never do is stick to your opinions all through your life. Its a simple logic. Situations change. People change. So shouldn't your opinions and judgements change too?
Then there's another thing i wonder. Have u ever tried to confront the person about his shortcomings? Maybe you are observing him wrong. Or maybe you are right. If u r right then dont u think its your responsibility to correct him rather than saying nonsense about him behind his back? I have this close friend who has a bad habit. Given the choice between forming an opinion about him and correcting him, i chose the latter. Coz i know him well. I know that however it might appear on the outside, he's doing it unintentionally. And so i tried to make him realise his mistake. And i succeeded. yipee!
But that's not my point. The point is that i know for sure a totally opposite point of view. Same friend. Same habit. But difference of reaction. There are others who are too busy forming opinions about him. His so called "friends". They are so wrapped within their belief of knowing everything that they dont stop to sit and ponder. To rethink their opinion.
Its not bad to form opinions. That's basic human nature. But its wrong to stick to them forever. Once in a while u need to accept that maybe its u who are wrong and not the person u r criticising. Do form opinions. But brain wash yourself every once in a while. Rethink and reevaluate. Then form new opinions. Maybe this time you will see differently. Maybe this time you will see an aspect you missed last time. But what u should never do is stick to your opinions all through your life. Its a simple logic. Situations change. People change. So shouldn't your opinions and judgements change too?
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