A Tribute Khuswant Singh wrote, "People can be divided into givers,takers,suckers and spongers" . My late nanaji, Mr. Rajender Jha was the biggest giver i met in my life. Nani tells me that he used to give his whole monthly salary to the poor even though they weren't very well off themselves and the whole family would then have to spend the month cutting their costs. He was a police officer, a man devoted to public service in the true sense of the word. The most royal person ever. He lived grand. And he died grand. He went on to the heavenly abode last year. There was grief on his death but we had all seen it coming. Had even prayed for it. Its difficult to see your loved one bedridden for a year. Unable to do anything on his own, struggling to live just so because his family wanted him to. Ever read Shakespeare's Seven Ages poem? Nanaji perfectly described man in his...